Friday, March 16, 2007

iPod Dilemma

Why would I get an 8GB iPod nano for $249 when I can get a 30GB iPod for the same price?

The nano plays only music and holds only up to 2,000 songs, while the regular also plays videos and holds up to 7,500 songs.

I keep looking at the specs list, sure I must be mis-reading numbers.

Is there some other consideration that I should be aware of? Some catch that I'm missing?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Row, Girl, Row

I finally got a rowing machine. Yippee!!!

Some of you know that this has been quite the impossible quest. I knew exactly which model I wanted, but the company (FitnessQuest) wanted to send it UPS 2nd day, which would mean that the shipping would cost almost as much as the machine. This was not an option, as I am a girl on a budget, so I started researching alternative methods of delivery.

Five months and many frustrations later, I was able to just order it from

Yeah, I don't believe it was that easy either. When I checked several months ago, Amazon wouldn't ship a rowing machine to Hawaii (neither would Sears, Walmart, Costco, Target, or Sports Authority...).

But they must have changed their policies, because I placed the order mid-February and it was delivered on March 1.

There was still the potential for disaster, as my address is a RR box, which UPS can’t deliver to. However, I experienced FANTASTIC customer service from both Amazon and UPS and it arrived at my front door without a hitch.

I put it together on Friday and have used it 6 times so far (and it hasn't fallen apart yet). I'm starting with at least 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night, plus one or two additional sessions on non-work days. But I have it set up in front of the TV, so if I happen to be watching a movie and end up rowing for longer, so be it.

I am hoping that not only will this enable me to get fit, but that I’ll also stop getting sick as much (every other month lately). Already my arms ache a little after about 10 minutes (although they feel fine shortly after I stop) and I think I can actually feel a little tightness in my abs. But that might just be wishful thinking….