Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jane Addiction

I've recently developed an addiction to Jane Austen, especially Pride and Prejudice. I've watched the A&E version an average of once a week since Thanksgiving (I was sick for the second half of December, so I'm not as much of a sloth as that might otherwise indicate). I switched to the Keira Knightley version a couple times, but I can't stay away from Jennifer and Colin for long.

I just finished reading the book for the first time - yes, I somehow got a Bachelor's degree in English without reading any Jane Austen - and enjoyed it so much that after about a two-week break, I'm starting it again. That addiction thing again.

I also read Sense and Sensibility for the first time, but didn't enjoy it as much (unlike the Emma Thompson movie, which I adore). I found the (I think) perfect editions (even tho' they're from B&N) of Austen's works: they're smaller than mass market, but hardcover, with attached red ribbon bookmarks. If I could just find Mansfield Park, my collection would be complete...

Now that the new semester has started, I think I shall be forced to wean myself from Ms. Austen, as my Literature of the Environment class will be keeping me quite busy. Like most addicts, I shall miss my fix; however, I do believe I have the will power to overcome this...

Unlike my addiction to chocolate...

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