Thursday, February 26, 2004

Thursday, February 19, 2004

IfA Open House

Come one, come all to the IfA Open House on Sunday 18 April. Have lots of fun, enrich your mind, then be sure to fill out a survey, since yours truly designed it... Mahalo!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Transit of Venus

This summer's Transit of Venus won't be visible from Hawaii, darn it. For the rest of you, this rare astronomical event is explained at

Friday, February 13, 2004

Interesting Reading

Science's Essays on Science and Society is a monthly feature of "the views of individuals from inside or outside the scientific community as they explore the interface between science and the wider society."

Although the main page has links only to the full text in HTML, a pdf version can be downloaded from the full text page, as well as from the summary page.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Site Feed

This blog now includes a feed for use by an aggregator (I use Bloglines). Click on the "Site Feed" link over there on the right, then use that URL to subscribe.

If you want to know more about rss feeds, aggregators, site syndication, etc., email me. I don't know a whole lot, but I can fill you in on the basics and point you in the right direction.

What's my email address, you ask? Follow the link to Amy's Bookshelf...

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Mahalo, Kenny!

I don't normally go in for first-day stuff. I don't like crowds and I'm usually too cheap to pay full price (which is why I'm so grateful that S. is willing to get DVDs for me at Costco).

Of course, there are exceptions: I buy Laurie King hardcovers on the laydown date; I'll go see Harry Potter #3 opening night; and I buy Kenny Chesney's CDs on the release date, which is what I did yesterday. I took it home, popped it into the player, and it gave me the momentum to get 3 hours of housework done -- Thanks, Kenny!

I'm thrilled about the three live tracks -- I keep hoping he'll release a live album. "Please Come to Boston" was a nice surprise (what fitting lyrics). I'm especially happy that one of the live versions is "What I Need to Do" since that's the song that got me hooked on Kenny. It wasn't the first song of his that I heard, but it was the one that made me want to hear everything. And it's even better live -- the way he sings the last "And on..." in the chorus just makes me melt....

While it is a good album (found myself dancin' quite a bit), my fave KC CDs (not including Greatest Hits) are:
1. No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
2. In My Wildest Dreams
3. Everywhere We Go

I sure would love to go to one (or more) of his concerts someday...

P.S. For those who read the liner notes, Key West is not the "southern most point in America." In the contiguous 48, yes, but the Big Island touches 19 degrees latitude while KW sits way up at 24. We can't claim to be farthest west (even with Kure Atoll), since Alaska gets to claim the Aleutians, but we've definitely got claim over the south.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

New link

I've created a link to the weblog I maintain for work (over there on the right). Most of it will be uninteresting as it is focused on the information needs of the astronomers, but occasionally I do post general interest items there that I don't post here.

Meaning of Life

Adventure or Inquiry? Two Visions of Cosmic Destiny -- a wonderfully written NYT essay.