I have been typing this query into Google every so often for years now, and I finally found not just one, but two! methods for exporting a list of Kindle titles into Excel and I can confirm that both methods work, although I recommend the first, even though it takes longer.
The easier "using the cache file" method - for me, at least - resulted in some author names being listed Last Name, First Name and some First Name Last Name so not all the Laurie R. King titles were together, and two left off the R. I was having flashbacks to the early 2000s Waldenbooks database that had 17 different spellings for Shakespeare...
The most difficult part with the method that uses the Kindle Cloud Reader was scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the list and then scrolling all the way up again to copy the titles and author names. And then having to do it again after changing from All Titles to Books to avoid Samples, which didn't have an author listed, which messed up the whole process.
For the curious: 1426, although some of those are duplicate freebies, which I'll have to manually delete. But not tonight...