I will not be at work (hooray!) and therefore not checking email, blogs, news, etc. from Friday, December 19 through Monday, January 5.
I will be available by phone until noon-ish on Monday, Dec. 29, but not after that because I'll be getting some much-deserved rest and relaxation at Mom's.
I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a new year. So long 2008 - and good riddance!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Cassini Goes to Saturn
A tour of the Saturn system courtesy of the Cassini mission, narrated by Carolyn Porco. Thanks to Phil Plait for the link.
There is lots of CGI, but also note how much actual imagery is used. I'll be the first to acknowledge that I'm an astronomy geek, but I'm guessing that this will be entrancing and exciting even for those who are less obsessed with astronomical exploration.
There is lots of CGI, but also note how much actual imagery is used. I'll be the first to acknowledge that I'm an astronomy geek, but I'm guessing that this will be entrancing and exciting even for those who are less obsessed with astronomical exploration.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Holiday Shopping
If you are fortunate enough to have some $$ to spend on gifts and have anyone who likes jewelry, I would like to recommend virtuallori's Etsy store. When I attended her* wedding last year, I bought a necklace for my cat-sitter, who still thanks me every time she wears it (yeah, it's that good).
Note that some of the pieces can be customized. Whimsical designs, quality craftsmanship, great value - what more can you ask for? What are you waiting for?
*Have no fear - she may be a friend, but I wouldn't hawk her stuff if it wasn't any good.
Note that some of the pieces can be customized. Whimsical designs, quality craftsmanship, great value - what more can you ask for? What are you waiting for?
*Have no fear - she may be a friend, but I wouldn't hawk her stuff if it wasn't any good.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I still lead a blessed life. This year the thing I'm probably most thankful for is that this craaaaaaaaazy semester is almost over.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
LIFE Photo Archive
You gotta love Google - they've posted millions of photos, most never published, from LIFE magazine in the new LIFE photo archive.
Don't let the list of subjects on the home page limit your thinking - pick a subject, any subject, and start searching. Try Hawaii or cats or library or Disney or space...
Don't let the list of subjects on the home page limit your thinking - pick a subject, any subject, and start searching. Try Hawaii or cats or library or Disney or space...
Monday, November 03, 2008
New Food Fave
There is no way Yoplait French Vanilla yogurt is healthy - it tastes too damn good.
btw, if it's not really healthy, I don't want to know - thanks anyway. Ignorance is bliss and all...
btw, if it's not really healthy, I don't want to know - thanks anyway. Ignorance is bliss and all...
Monday, October 06, 2008
Naming Objects
I knew I wasn't the only one, but now someone else has admitted it. Hooray!
For me:
Why is Panda an it when Jade was a she? 'Cause I could actually use the Grafitti writing system that Jade came with - I even still find myself occasionally using the symbols when writing with pen and paper. When I had to replace Jade several years later, Palm had changed the writing system and I never got the hang of it. Not Panda's fault, I know, but I'm an irrational human - so sue me...
For me:
- Car = Beauty
- Computer = Serenity {yes, I know the car should be Serenity, but I got the computer before the car, so the name was already taken}
- 1st PDA = Jade (she, yes she, was a beautiful green)
- 2nd PDA = Panda 'cause it (yes, it) is black and white and when I was trying to name it, Mom had just watched Mulan
Why is Panda an it when Jade was a she? 'Cause I could actually use the Grafitti writing system that Jade came with - I even still find myself occasionally using the symbols when writing with pen and paper. When I had to replace Jade several years later, Palm had changed the writing system and I never got the hang of it. Not Panda's fault, I know, but I'm an irrational human - so sue me...
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Banned Books Display
"We will be celebrating Banned Book Week by having volunteers read banned and challenged books in our special Banned Book Reading Room at Twin Hickory Library. We have a comfy reading chair, ottoman, reading lamp and a nice selection of banned and challenged books for our readers."
It's worth clicking through to see the photos...
It's worth clicking through to see the photos...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Jon Stewart on 9/11/01
Courtesy of a link from Neil Gaiman's Journal, I was able to see, for the first time, the beginning of Jon Stewart's first Daily Show after September 11, 2001. Not only was I impressed by a man who wasn't afraid to share, and show, the emotions he was battling with, but one of the last things he said really hit me: He said that the view from his apartment used to be the World Trade Center, but that now it was the Statue of Liberty. Not only from his apartment, but from all of lower Manhattan. He didn't dwell on it, but it really got me thinking about the American way of life and our priorities - the dominant feature of a landscape changing from buildings of commerce and business to a symbol of what this country used to, and should, stand for. And, I hope, will again someday.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hawai‘i State Public Library System in Trouble
A big Mahalo to Librarian In Black for bringing national attention to the plight of Hawai‘i's public libraries.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Map Tunneler
Geek Alert!
A Free Map Tools map that shows you what's on the other side of the Earth.
For the Big Island of Hawai‘i, it's Botswana, Africa.
Where's your opposite?
A Free Map Tools map that shows you what's on the other side of the Earth.
For the Big Island of Hawai‘i, it's Botswana, Africa.
Where's your opposite?
Friday, September 05, 2008
Most of my audiovisual material lately has been from the United Kingdom. For months now, my Netflix queue has been Doctor Who and MI-5 (with the original Avengers creeping in recently), I've been watching and re-watching my Jane Austen collection*, and my iPod keeps me awake while I drive with the Harry Potter books.
Right now, November 18** seems an awfully long way away, although with as crazy busy as this semester is going to be, I'm sure it will actually fly by.
* Pride and Prejudice with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth; Sense & Sensibility with Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, and Alan Rickman; Persuasion with Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds; and Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam
** Release ofSeason Series 4 of Doctor Who
Right now, November 18** seems an awfully long way away, although with as crazy busy as this semester is going to be, I'm sure it will actually fly by.
* Pride and Prejudice with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth; Sense & Sensibility with Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, and Alan Rickman; Persuasion with Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds; and Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam
** Release of
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Reference Question
One of the most unusual questions I've received at the Reference Desk:
"How many sentences are supposed to be in a paragraph?"
The patron really, really wanted a specific number...
"How many sentences are supposed to be in a paragraph?"
The patron really, really wanted a specific number...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What Does a Rainbow Mean?
Please, PLEASE, somebody tell me this is a hoax: Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy.
Some of the hope I felt when I found Splendid Elles just leached away - I want it back! I'm tired of being disgusted with and / or embarrassed by vast numbers of the human race! I'm not perfect, but c'mon, people!
Some of the hope I felt when I found Splendid Elles just leached away - I want it back! I'm tired of being disgusted with and / or embarrassed by vast numbers of the human race! I'm not perfect, but c'mon, people!
Friday, June 20, 2008
A/C Problems
You know the air-conditioning is having a bad day when it's cooler outside -- in Hawaii, in June -- than it is inside your place of work.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Classics in Lego is a flickr photoset showing the re-creation of famous photographs using guess what.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Do yourself a favor: without reading anything else on the page (comments, about, etc.) go read this post and this post and then come back here and scroll down...
...thoughtful, intelligent, and analytical, weren't they? Wondering why you haven't heard this insightful commentator before?
Possibly because she has to finish her homework before she can blog, since Splendid Elles is only 15-years old.
Suddenly, I have some hope for the future, don't you? Thanks, Elles.
...thoughtful, intelligent, and analytical, weren't they? Wondering why you haven't heard this insightful commentator before?
Possibly because she has to finish her homework before she can blog, since Splendid Elles is only 15-years old.
Suddenly, I have some hope for the future, don't you? Thanks, Elles.
Scheduling Meetings
Tired of the endless back-and-forth emails when you're trying to schedule a meeting? Check out When is Good. It doesn't get much simpler.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Courtesy of S., a story that leaves me speechless:
Man Dressed as Darth Vader Spared Jail for Attack on Founder of Britain's Jedi Church
Favorite quote: "In the 2001 United Kingdom census, 390,000 — 0.7 percent of the population — listed Jedi as their religion."
Two other related items:
Jediism Wikipedia article
Google results for search performed today: "about 47,600 for jediism"
On the one hand, it's a lot less harmful than a lot of other things; but on the other hand.... oh, never mind.
Man Dressed as Darth Vader Spared Jail for Attack on Founder of Britain's Jedi Church
Favorite quote: "In the 2001 United Kingdom census, 390,000 — 0.7 percent of the population — listed Jedi as their religion."
Two other related items:
Jediism Wikipedia article
Google results for search performed today: "about 47,600 for jediism"
On the one hand, it's a lot less harmful than a lot of other things; but on the other hand.... oh, never mind.
Monday, June 02, 2008
More Learnin', with Some Fun on the Side
Professional development is a big thing in the library world - librarians are constantly giving and attending courses, workshops, and conferences. And yeah, some of it is bogus and some people don't take it seriously, but for the most part, I've always gotten a lot out of the experiences I've been able to partake in.
The usual obstacles to professional development in an organization are institutional support and money. Despite the prevalence of professional development as an occupational cornerstone, some organizations still do not give time and / or monetary support to librarians for these activities. Fortunately, my Library Director is a staunch supporter of professional development; her only obstacle being how much money she can finagle for it.
I've read about librarians who don't get any kind of support from their employer, rather, they take vacation time and use their personal money to attend - that's how seriously we take this whole life-long learning concept.
This year, the American Library Association Annual Conference (which always takes place in the summer, and therefore someplace warm; Midwinter conference: someplace freezing) takes place in Anaheim and I get to go!
Now, the quickest way to get kicked out of my library director's office is to say that you want to go to XYZ Conference because you've "never seen Paris in the springtime." And I have to agree with her: first consideration should be the event and how it will benefit you and your organization professionally. That said, my boss already knows I'm a bigger Disney freak than she is, so she knew that my wanting to go to ALA had a little bit to do with the location.
But this is also one of those events where there are two, sometimes three, sessions that I really want to attend that are happening at the exact same time. Decisions, decisions...
So, the countdown has begun and my renewed Annual Pass is quivering. I leave on June 26 (and, if things go smoothly, will eat dinner in the Magic Kingdom that night!) and return home on July 3.
Sure, I'll be happy to tell Mickey "Hi!" for you...
The usual obstacles to professional development in an organization are institutional support and money. Despite the prevalence of professional development as an occupational cornerstone, some organizations still do not give time and / or monetary support to librarians for these activities. Fortunately, my Library Director is a staunch supporter of professional development; her only obstacle being how much money she can finagle for it.
I've read about librarians who don't get any kind of support from their employer, rather, they take vacation time and use their personal money to attend - that's how seriously we take this whole life-long learning concept.
This year, the American Library Association Annual Conference (which always takes place in the summer, and therefore someplace warm; Midwinter conference: someplace freezing) takes place in Anaheim and I get to go!
Now, the quickest way to get kicked out of my library director's office is to say that you want to go to XYZ Conference because you've "never seen Paris in the springtime." And I have to agree with her: first consideration should be the event and how it will benefit you and your organization professionally. That said, my boss already knows I'm a bigger Disney freak than she is, so she knew that my wanting to go to ALA had a little bit to do with the location.
But this is also one of those events where there are two, sometimes three, sessions that I really want to attend that are happening at the exact same time. Decisions, decisions...
So, the countdown has begun and my renewed Annual Pass is quivering. I leave on June 26 (and, if things go smoothly, will eat dinner in the Magic Kingdom that night!) and return home on July 3.
Sure, I'll be happy to tell Mickey "Hi!" for you...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My copies of Absolute Sandman have arrived - don't anyone tell Neil, but I got both Volume One and Volume Two for ~ $99 instead of $99 each.
These are absolutely* gorgeous - I've always enjoyed this series immensely, even though I know that I'm missing a lot of the numerous literary, mythological, and cultural references.
* pun intended
These are absolutely* gorgeous - I've always enjoyed this series immensely, even though I know that I'm missing a lot of the numerous literary, mythological, and cultural references.
* pun intended
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Phoenix on Mars
Here's the Phoenix Mars Lander captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's HiRISE camera as Phoenix descended toward Mars. The wider perspective is also incredibly impressive.
HiRISE also captured Phoenix sitting on Mars after its successful landing.
And thanks to Phil Plait for pointing out:
HiRISE also captured Phoenix sitting on Mars after its successful landing.
And thanks to Phil Plait for pointing out:
"Think on this, and think on it carefully: you are seeing a manmade object falling gracefully and with intent to the surface of an alien world, as seen by another manmade object already circling that world, both of them acting robotically, and both of them hundreds of million of kilometers away.
Never, ever forget: we did this. This is what we can do."
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Happy Holiday
I've been dealing with a difficult situation at work that is incredibly draining. I've decided to take an extra-long Memorial Day weekend and will not be at work, and therefore not checking email, from Thursday, May 22 until Tuesday, May 27.
Have a fun, yet safe, holiday.
Have a fun, yet safe, holiday.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
I had an absolutely fabulous time visiting Mom. We talked and hiked and talked and went to the beach and talked and ate and talked.... Mom is still doing great, living her dream, loving life.
Except for missing my babies, I didn’t want to come home. If I could figure out how to swing it, I’d go back in right now and not come back out.
For those I’ve friended on flickr, I’ve posted new photos. If you’re not currently my flickr friend and would like to be, email me and let me know.amy96839 at yahoo dot com
My grandfather died one year ago today.
He was a wonderful man: kind, giving, caring. He was spiritual, attended church regularly, and participated with church activities. He was married (and widowed) twice, both times to (in my opinion) difficult women. He served in World War II, worked for Corning Glass until retirement, drove for Meals on Wheels. He lived alone, drove himself, was full of life until the very end, and even had a new lady-friend – he had a more active social life than I do!My grandfather was possibly the sweetest person I’ve ever known. I miss him.
Thursday, February 28, 2008

{I really think it looks a lot better than this picture shows.}
I'm enjoying it: it's quicker and easier to wash, rinse, and dry. Of course, I now have dozens of useless scrunchies and hair ties and I can't stick a pencil in the ponytail anymore, but those are small prices to pay for the ease and comfort.
So, what do you think of my new 'do?
{Updated with different photo 3/9/07}
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Music Notes
I really shouldn't listen to Toby Keith's Get My Drink On when I'm driving. The song just demands dancin'.
Sugarland's Stay is brilliant: the simple musical accompaniment is exactly what the {freakin' awesome} lyrics need, as is the simple, stark video. Kudos!
I would love to hear Garth perform More than a Memory live. Tho' the studio version has plenty of power...
I really like Kenny Chesney's latest CD, Just Who I Am: Poets and Pirates. I'm really glad he released Shiftwork with George Strait: "Talkin' 'bout a bunch of shi-------ftwork. A big ole pile of shi-------ftwork." Lots o' fun. The first two singles (Never Wanted Nothing More, Don't Blink) are actually my least favorite songs - don't get me wrong, they're good songs and good singles, I just enjoy most of the other songs more: Dancin' for the Groceries, Scare Me, Demons, Better as a Memory, Just Not Today. Normally with a song as fun as Got a Little Crazy, I would say that I would love to see a video for it, but nothing they could do would compare with the video that plays in my head when I listen to it: "I think I feel a fresh tattoo / What is it of? I wish I knew / Couldn't get more out of sight / It got a little crazy last night"
Sugarland's Stay is brilliant: the simple musical accompaniment is exactly what the {freakin' awesome} lyrics need, as is the simple, stark video. Kudos!
I would love to hear Garth perform More than a Memory live. Tho' the studio version has plenty of power...
I really like Kenny Chesney's latest CD, Just Who I Am: Poets and Pirates. I'm really glad he released Shiftwork with George Strait: "Talkin' 'bout a bunch of shi-------ftwork. A big ole pile of shi-------ftwork." Lots o' fun. The first two singles (Never Wanted Nothing More, Don't Blink) are actually my least favorite songs - don't get me wrong, they're good songs and good singles, I just enjoy most of the other songs more: Dancin' for the Groceries, Scare Me, Demons, Better as a Memory, Just Not Today. Normally with a song as fun as Got a Little Crazy, I would say that I would love to see a video for it, but nothing they could do would compare with the video that plays in my head when I listen to it: "I think I feel a fresh tattoo / What is it of? I wish I knew / Couldn't get more out of sight / It got a little crazy last night"
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Coffee, Again
Had a craving for coffee this morning. Although, I'm not sure who it's for, since nobody's talking yet.
Stay tuned...
Stay tuned...
Sunday, January 27, 2008
New Semester
The semester just started and I'm already tired. We're having lots of computer / website issues that are making me quite dizzy as I go 'round and 'round in little circles chasing solutions that just laugh at me as they dance out of the way.
It's a good thing I decided to not take any classes this semester.
I would be even more frustrated than I am, but for two things:
1. The library's {wonderful} Systems guy is just as stymied as I am, so I don't feel like a complete dolt.
2. I re-instated my Netflix account and have been enjoying my evenings and weekends with the fun that is NCIS. I'm part-way thru Season One and glad that there are several more seasons waiting...
It's a good thing I decided to not take any classes this semester.
I would be even more frustrated than I am, but for two things:
1. The library's {wonderful} Systems guy is just as stymied as I am, so I don't feel like a complete dolt.
2. I re-instated my Netflix account and have been enjoying my evenings and weekends with the fun that is NCIS. I'm part-way thru Season One and glad that there are several more seasons waiting...
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